I’ve visited Three dots and a dash a few times since it opened up earlier this year. A large multistoried building on 100 feet road, and an all-out tiki bar, perhaps the first in the city – 3 dots and a dash is a cocktail lounge with elaborate cocktails, serving hookah with flavors and a fun and chilled out ambience that’s perfect for unwinding and munching on pu-pu platters. And I much liked the name – the morse code for the letter V Recently we were invited for a tasting of their menu, and a warm Sunday in September we made way to the venue. The place is spread out on different floors, with multi accesses made. For private parties, there are specific sections available that can be accessed separately. We sat down comfortably on the couches in the second floor, which is partially open air, sufficiently lit for a lounge bar.
One of the things I liked about 3 dots to begin with is their beverage menu. The tiki cocktails are described adequately, but also featured with actual pictures of the drinks – so you know exactly what you’re ordering! Does that matter, you think? Ask the guy who landed up with a coconut drink topped with a pink umbrella and cherries when he was expecting a broody dark rum drink! Being sexist aside, visual representation is always a good way to go, especially when the drinks are dramatic and elaborate. Our host recommended a Caribbean Cooler for me – that was vodka, rum, tender coconut water, served in a coconut shell – quite a long drink oozing smoke around it when served. And the coconuts are actually from trees on the property! And Tapash got a Missionary’s Downfall – a classic rum and pineapple tiki drink concocted first at Don The Beachcomber – Hollywood’s first Polynesian restaurant, back in 1930s. Both the cocktails were good, packing a delightful punch.
The grub to munch on was ordered as well. Paprika Thyme Chicken with Mushroom and Spiced fish wrapped in banana leaves. The chicken could have been cooked more, despite the flavors being right, the dish was inconsistent in terms of taste. The Spiced Fish however is highly recommended, great taste and flavor. As we were making our way with the appetizers, there were some shots sent out from the barman to us, flavored with apple and kiwi etc. Our next set of drinks were Dead Reckoning, Pineapple Paradise, Lono and Suffering Bastard, oh yes there were a LOT of drinks. The Suffering Bastard is strong, very potent – packing a punch of Whiskey and Gin with bitters and ginger ale, while the Pineapple Paradise was a fresh whole pineapple filled with White Rum and Caribbean Rum – fruity and perfect for the day time. Safe to say, not many people leave this place sober! And of course there’s some serious sheesha to try as well!
3 dots and a dash is a fun, party place with good service and interesting themed drinks. I would recommend this for a casual evening out with friends or colleagues, their pricing is quite competitive, and the ambience is great.
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