The Tea Trails Story Sex, drugs & rock n roll are all very well, but nothing beats a nice cup of tea - Unknown There are not many places in Bangalore that serve a good cup of tea, and though we are primarily a tea drinking nation, a lot of coffee and conversation has happened over the last decade. Tea Trails first made news Continue Reading →
Gourmet Couch by ITC Gardenia, Bengaluru In the lockdown, most of us were house bound. Though we did step out a bit, it is definitely more comfortable to be at home. A lot of folks tried out recipes - we did as well! Trying out dishes we’ve loved growing up. Some were brilliant, others were work in progress. But when I really want to just kick Continue Reading →
1Q1 – Kitchen & Bar Last year November saw the launch of 1Q1 a restaurant, bar and nightlife venue - all set to make an indelible mark in Bangalore. The menu promised some authentic Asian cuisine and spirited cocktails in the bustling CBD area. The sprawling property in the ground floor of the Indian Express building, and the Art Deco architecture of this iconic building Continue Reading →
Restaurants offering deliveries & take out amidst Covid-19 crisis I think we can safely say 2020 is not what we had expected. Covid-19 has the world in lockdown, and a significant population affected by this pandemic. And as a direct effect – there is huge economic ramifications and evidence of global recession. Airline, transport and hospitality industry are perhaps the ones most impacted, as countries shut down borders for Continue Reading →
GoT Feast – Big Brewsky Last week I was invited to the 3rd Anniversary party at Big Brewsky, a Game of Thrones themed dinner. A select guest list, a theme décor with attention to every detail, and a menu worthy of royalty ensured an amazing evening and a spectacular feast. The long banquet table set up with candelabra, meats and breads. And the various banners Continue Reading →